Jugs, Bowls & Spoons
Hanging Decorations
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I am a ceramic designer and maker specialising in porcelain from my studio in Lincoln.
Starting with an idea in my head, a sketchbook and a handful of soft clay, letting it take shape and develop into something new, fully formed and permanent, is to me one of the most exciting things in the world!
How lucky am I....
Growing up, I have always drawn, painted and made things. I can't remember when I wasn't doing just that. Long hours making ceramics, juggling family and life can make me feel that I am spinning plates at time, but it is a rich tapestry of life and I am loving every minute of it...
All of my ceramics are individually made by hand with lots of love and attention to detail.
Each piece is unique and no two pieces are exactly the same.
Birds, hares and foxes are a prominent feature in my work, interweaved with flowers, landscapes and patterns. I am a natural hoarder and collector of things which I love to upcycle and recycle within my ceramic work. Found objects, screws, bolts, nails and handmade sprigs are used to impress into the clay to give a strong textile quality to my work.
All of my ceramics are hand built and painted by hand using glazes developed from my own recipes and experiments with colour.
I love animals, nature, vintage textiles and storytelling.
Oh I do love a good story....
After growing up in Cambridgeshire, I graduated with a B.A. (hons) Degree in Fine Art from Coventry University. I then lived and worked as a lecturer in Art and Design in Reading for several years before upping sticks and moving to Lincoln to set up my own ceramic studio in 2003.
I am currently a member of the artists co-operative at Harding House Gallery on Steep Hill in Lincoln, where I am also one of two exhibition curators for the gallery. My ceramics can also be found in galleries and gift shops throughout the UK.
Please click on the buttons above to view collections of my work and my online shop.
You can keep up to date with news and whats happening by visiting me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.